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Charles Vorontsov
Charles Vorontsov

How to Scan and Convert Documents to PDF on Your Mac with Gscan2pdf

Gscan2pdf for Mac: How to Scan and Convert Documents to PDF on Your Mac

Do you have a lot of paper documents that you want to digitize and store on your Mac? Do you want to scan multiple pages and create a single PDF file with ease? Do you want to edit and enhance your scanned images before saving them? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might be interested in Gscan2pdf, a free and open-source software that can help you with these tasks.

Gscan2pdf For Mac

In this article, we will explain what Gscan2pdf is, what are its features and benefits, what are its limitations and drawbacks, how to install it on your Mac, how to use it on your Mac, and what are some alternatives to it. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of Gscan2pdf and how it can help you scan and convert documents to PDF on your Mac.

What is Gscan2pdf?

Gscan2pdf is a graphical user interface (GUI) that allows you to scan documents and save them as PDF, DjVu, or TIFF files. It is compatible with any scanner that supports SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy), which is a standard interface for accessing scanners on Linux and other Unix-like systems. Gscan2pdf was originally developed for Linux, but it can also run on Mac OS X with some additional steps.

Features and benefits of Gscan2pdf

Gscan2pdf has many features and benefits that make it a useful tool for scanning and converting documents to PDF on your Mac. Some of them are:

  • It can scan multiple pages and create a single PDF file with one click.

  • It can crop, threshold, rotate, deskew, clean up, and enhance scanned images.

  • It can reorder pages by drag-and-drop.

  • It can add metadata such as title, author, subject, keywords, etc. to PDF files.

  • It can perform optical character recognition (OCR) using Ocropus or Tesseract engines and place the text at the boundary boxes supplied by Ocropus.

  • It can compress PDF files using various methods such as JPEG2000, JBIG2, etc.

  • It can encrypt PDF files with passwords and permissions.

  • It can save scanned documents in various formats such as PDF, DjVu, TIFF, PNG, JPEG, etc.

  • It can export scanned documents to other applications such as email clients, web browsers, image viewers, etc.

  • It can batch process multiple scanned documents with predefined settings.

  • It has a simple and intuitive interface that is easy to use.

Limitations and drawbacks of Gscan2pdf

Gscan2pdf also has some limitations and drawbacks that you should be aware of before using it. Some of them are:

  • It is not a native Mac application. It requires installing some dependencies such as SANE, ImageMagick, Perl libraries, etc. which can be challenging for some users.

  • It does not support all scanners. It only works with scanners that are compatible with SANE, which is a standard interface for accessing scanners on Linux and other Unix-like systems. You can check the list of supported scanners on the SANE website. If your scanner is not supported, you might need to use another software or a different method to scan documents on your Mac.

  • It does not have advanced editing features. It can perform some basic image processing functions such as cropping, rotating, deskewing, etc. but it cannot do more complex tasks such as removing backgrounds, adjusting colors, applying filters, etc. If you need more advanced editing features, you might need to use another software or a different method to edit your scanned images on your Mac.

  • It does not have a built-in PDF viewer. It can save and export scanned documents as PDF files, but it cannot display them within the application. You need to use another software or a different method to view your PDF files on your Mac.

How to install Gscan2pdf on Mac?

As mentioned earlier, Gscan2pdf is not a native Mac application. It requires installing some dependencies such as SANE, ImageMagick, Perl libraries, etc. which can be challenging for some users. There are three main ways to install Gscan2pdf on Mac: using MacPorts, using Homebrew, or using VirtualBox. We will explain each of these methods in detail below.

Using MacPorts

MacPorts is a system that simplifies the installation of software on Mac OS X by providing pre-compiled binaries and source code for various applications and libraries. To use MacPorts, you need to install Xcode, which is Apple's integrated development environment (IDE) for creating Mac applications. You also need to install the Xcode Command Line Tools, which are a set of tools that enable you to build and install software from the command line. After installing Xcode and the Xcode Command Line Tools, you need to install MacPorts itself by following the instructions on the MacPorts website. Once you have installed MacPorts, you can install Gscan2pdf by opening a terminal window and typing the following command:

sudo port install gscan2pdf

This command will download and install Gscan2pdf and all its dependencies automatically. It might take some time depending on your internet speed and your computer's performance. After the installation is complete, you can launch Gscan2pdf by typing the following command in the terminal:


Using Homebrew

Homebrew is another system that simplifies the installation of software on Mac OS X by providing pre-compiled binaries and source code for various applications and libraries. To use Homebrew, you also need to install Xcode and the Xcode Command Line Tools as explained above. After installing Xcode and the Xcode Command Line Tools, you need to install Homebrew itself by following the instructions on the Homebrew website. Once you have installed Homebrew, you can install Gscan2pdf by opening a terminal window and typing the following commands:

brew tap jeffreyratcliffe/gscan2pdf

brew install gscan2pdf

The first command will add the repository of Jeffrey Ratcliffe, the developer of Gscan2pdf, to your Homebrew sources. The second command will download and install Gscan2pdf and all its dependencies automatically. It might take some time depending on your internet speed and your computer's performance. After the installation is complete, you can launch Gscan2pdf by typing the following command in the terminal:


Using VirtualBox

VirtualBox is a software that allows you to run different operating systems on your Mac as virtual machines (VMs). This means that you can run Linux on your Mac without having to partition your hard drive or reboot your computer. To use VirtualBox, you need to download and install VirtualBox itself from the VirtualBox website. You also need to download an ISO image of a Linux distribution that supports Gscan2pdf, such as Ubuntu. After downloading VirtualBox and the Linux ISO image, you need to create a new VM in VirtualBox by following the instructions on the VirtualBox website. You need to assign enough memory and disk space for your VM, and select the Linux ISO image as the boot device. After creating the VM, you need to start it and follow the installation steps of the Linux distribution. Once you have installed Linux on your VM, you can install Gscan2pdf by using the package manager of your Linux distribution or by compiling it from source code. For example, if you are using Ubuntu, you can install Gscan2 pdf by opening a terminal window and typing the following command: sudo apt-get install gscan2pdf

This command will download and install Gscan2pdf and all its dependencies automatically. It might take some time depending on your internet speed and your computer's performance. After the installation is complete, you can launch Gscan2pdf by typing the following command in the terminal: gscan2pdf

How to use Gscan2pdf on Mac?

After installing Gscan2pdf on your Mac using one of the methods described above, you can start using it to scan and convert documents to PDF on your Mac. The basic steps are as follows:

Scanning documents with Gscan2pdf

To scan documents with Gscan2pdf, you need to connect your scanner to your Mac and make sure that it is recognized by SANE. You can check if your scanner is detected by typing the following command in the terminal:

scanimage -L

This command will list all the scanners that are available on your system. If your scanner is not listed, you might need to configure SANE or install additional drivers for your scanner. You can find more information on the SANE website or the documentation of your scanner.

Once your scanner is detected, you can launch Gscan2pdf and select your scanner from the drop-down menu at the top left corner of the application window. You can also adjust some scanning options such as resolution, color mode, paper size, etc. by clicking on the Preferences button at the top right corner of the application window. Then, you can click on the Scan button at the bottom left corner of the application window to start scanning. You can scan multiple pages by clicking on the Scan button again after each page is scanned. You can also scan both sides of a document by checking the Duplex option in the Preferences window.

Editing and enhancing scanned images with Gscan2pdf

After scanning your documents, you can edit and enhance them with Gscan2pdf. You can see a thumbnail of each scanned page on the left panel of the application window. You can select a page by clicking on its thumbnail, and you can reorder pages by dragging and dropping them. You can also delete pages by right-clicking on their thumbnails and selecting Delete.

To edit and enhance a scanned image, you can click on the Tools menu at the top of the application window and select one of the options available. Some of the options are:

  • Crop: This option allows you to crop a scanned image by selecting a rectangular area with your mouse.

  • Threshold: This option allows you to convert a scanned image to black and white by setting a threshold value.

  • Rotate: This option allows you to rotate a scanned image by 90 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise.

  • Deskew: This option allows you to correct a scanned image that is skewed or tilted by detecting its edges and aligning them horizontally or vertically.

  • Cleanup: This option allows you to remove noise, speckles, dust, etc. from a scanned image by applying a filter.

  • Enhance: This option allows you to improve the quality of a scanned image by adjusting its brightness, contrast, gamma, etc.

You can also perform OCR on a scanned image by clicking on the OCR button at the bottom right corner of the application window. This will extract the text from the image and place it at the boundary boxes supplied by Ocropus or Tesseract engines. You can edit or correct the text by double-clicking on it.

Saving and exporting scanned documents with Gscan2pdf

After editing and enhancing your scanned images, you can save and export them with Gscan2pdf. You can save your scanned document as a PDF file by clicking on the Save button at the bottom right corner of the application window. You can also add metadata such as title, author, subject, keywords, etc. to your PDF file by clicking on the Properties button at the top right corner of the application window. You can also compress your PDF file by selecting one of the compression methods available in the Preferences window.

You can also export your scanned document to other formats such as DjVu, TIFF, PNG, JPEG, etc. by clicking on the Export button at the bottom right corner of the application window. You can also export your scanned document to other applications such as email clients, web browsers, image viewers, etc. by clicking on the Send button at the bottom right corner of the application window.

Alternatives to Gscan2pdf for Mac

Gscan2pdf is a useful tool for scanning and converting documents to PDF on your Mac, but it is not the only one. There are some alternatives to Gscan2pdf that you might want to try if you are looking for a different solution. Some of them are:


PDFScanner is a native Mac application that allows you to scan documents and save them as PDF files. It has a simple and elegant interface that is easy to use. It can scan multiple pages and create a single PDF file with one click. It can also perform OCR and add metadata to PDF files. It supports most scanners that are compatible with Image Capture, which is Apple's software for accessing scanners on Mac OS X. You can download PDFScanner from the Mac App Store for $14.99.


VueScan is a cross-platform application that allows you to scan documents and save them as PDF, JPEG, TIFF, or RAW files. It has a powerful and flexible interface that offers many options and features. It can scan multiple pages and create a single PDF file with one click. It can also perform OCR and add metadata to PDF files. It supports over 6000 scanners from 42 manufacturers, including some scanners that are not supported by SANE or Image Capture. You can download VueScan from the VueScan website for $39.95 for the Standard Edition or $89.95 for the Professional Edition.


ExactScan is another cross-platform application that allows you to scan documents and save them as PDF, JPEG, TIFF, or PNG files. It has a modern and intuitive interface that is easy to use. It can scan multiple pages and create a single PDF file with one click. It can also perform OCR and add metadata to PDF files. It supports over 500 scanners from various manufacturers, including some scanners that are not supported by SANE or Image Capture. You can download ExactScan from the ExactScan website for $79 for the Standard Edition or $129 for the Pro Edition.


In this article, we have explained what Gscan2pdf is, what are its features and benefits, what are its limitations and drawbacks, how to install it on your Mac, how to use it on your Mac, and what are some alternatives to it. We hope that this article has helped you understand Gscan2pdf better and how it can help you scan and convert documents to PDF on your Mac.

If you have any questions or comments about Gscan2pdf or this article, please feel free to leave them below. We would love to hear from you and help you out.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Gscan2pdf and their answers:

  • Q: Is Gscan2pdf free?

  • A: Yes, Gscan2pdf is free and open-source software that you can download and use without any cost or restriction.

  • Q: Is Gscan2pdf safe?

  • A: Yes, Gscan2pdf is safe to use as long as you download it from a trusted source such as the official website or the MacPorts or Homebrew repositories. You should also scan your downloaded files with an antivirus software before installing them.

  • Q: How do I update Gscan2pdf?

  • A: You can update Gscan2pdf by using the same method that you used to install it. For example, if you installed it using MacPorts, you can update it by typing the following command in the terminal:

sudo port upgrade gscan2pdf

  • If you installed it using Homebrew, you can update it by typing the following command in the terminal:

brew upgrade gscan2pdf

  • If you installed it using VirtualBox, you can update it by using the package manager of your Linux distribution or by compiling it from source code.

  • Q: How do I uninstall Gscan2pdf?

  • A: You can uninstall Gscan2pdf by using the same method that you used to install it. For example, if you installed it using MacPorts, you can uninstall it by typing the following command in the terminal:

sudo port uninstall gscan2pdf

If you installed it using Homebrew, you can uninstall it by typing the following command in the terminal: brew uninstall gscan2pdf

  • If you installed it using VirtualBox, you can uninstall it by using the package manager of your Linux distribution or by deleting the VM.

  • Q: Where can I find more information about Gscan2pdf?

  • A: You can find more information about Gscan2pdf on the official website, the GitHub repository, the documentation, the wiki, the mailing list, and the bug tracker. You can also find some tutorials and reviews on YouTube and other websites.

  • Q: How can I contact the developer of Gscan2pdf?

  • A: You can contact Jeffrey Ratcliffe, the developer of Gscan2pdf, by sending an email to You can also follow him on Twitter or GitHub.


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