I played the game on both xbox 360 and PS3, the games also released on steam, but I didnt like either of the versions. I ran into lots of glitches, that made a PS3 game feel like a PC game at times. In addition to those minor issues, Commandos.Complete.Collection.RELOADED had a major issue that made it unplayable. The game only allows the use of two hands for button prompts. This means to enter cover, close/open doors, hold doors open and similar situations, you have to jump in your own knee. There are times where this isnt overly problematic (because its important for the game to prompt you that you need to hold doors open with one hand), however it results in you using one of the worst control schemes Ive ever used in a game. I understand that the game is designed to simulate gunfights and is attempting to feel grounded in the post-9/11 world. However, I was enraged when I found out that there is no option to use a controller. In order to complete the game, you need to utilize the keyboard and mouse with only one hand. I enjoyed playing Commandos and it was fun at times to use two hands for cover, but Commandos is a hard game to play without controller. I also had trouble with the performance. It was the most unstable game on the PS3, I had it set to high detail and had to turn it to low in order to keep the framerate above 30fps.
When playing Commandos theres a good chance youre going to encounter one of the games numerous enemy types. The game may seem easier to veteran players due to lack of any form of spread tactics; however, itll be very difficult at times to make use of cover and only one or two friends. It almost goes without saying that theres a good amount of action in every level. In addition to crazy gun battles, there are often intense flanking maneuvers, with friendly units often providing tactical support.